WellnessToo much sitting increases your cancer risk

Too much sitting increases your cancer risk


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Too much sitting increases your cancer risk

Too much sitting can increase your risk of several kinds of cancer. It’s easy to incorporate physical movement into your day to reduce your cancer risk.

Many of us spend 70 percent or more of our day sitting. Whether driving the daily commute, staring at a computer screen at work, or sitting in front of the television when we get home, too much sitting can increase our risk of cancer.
Researchers at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland and the Baker IDI Hart and Diabetes Institute in Australia have found that sitting increases our cancer risk several ways.
Dangers of too much sitting
Sitting too much can increase our insulin level which increases our cancer risk. The mitochondria in our muscle cells also don’t function properly, resulting in a lowered metabolism and an increased potential for weight gain.
Obesity has been linked to several cancers, including breast, colon, and esophageal cancers.
On the other hand, physical activity has been shown to reduce one’s risk of breast, colon, and endometrial cancers.
Ways to increase physical activity
We can find little ways to fit activity into our day, such as:

  • perform 30 minutes of physical activity each day (e.g. walking or jogging)
  • get up and move every half hour or hour
  • stand rather than sit whenever possible (e.g. to prepare food, sort laundry, talk on the phone)
  • walk around the house or exercise during commercial breaks on TV


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