FamilyThe Yoga Mom: Josephine Jacob

The Yoga Mom: Josephine Jacob


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The Yoga Mom

By now, you’ve probably heard about yoga for kids. It’s a concept that Josephine Jacob, known on Instagram as @yoga_mami, takes to new heights when she practises gravity-defying poses with her two sons.

A careful balancing act

In one photo on her Instagram, Jacob backbends in a perfect wheel pose while her youngest son practises a cobra pose on her stomach. In another, both boys get involved. Her older son acts as a base for Jacob’s crow pose, while her youngest perches on the back of her neck.

A trained yoga teacher, Jacob earned her 200-hour certification three years ago and has since completed training as a children’s yoga teacher. She’s originally from Munich, Germany, and has been a resident of Vancouver for 14 years. We caught up with Jacob to see what inspires her acrobatic yoga poses and to find out what insights she has for fellow parents.

Q: What inspired you to involve your kids in your yoga practice?
A: I’ve always practised yoga at home. Ever since the kids were little, they have been watching me and jumping all over me and my mat, so getting them involved happened pretty naturally.

Q: How did you convince your sons to do some of the trickier poses?
A: They are completely fearless. They think it’s super fun—though sometimes they don’t take me very seriously when I suggest a pose. My older one has gotten a little more cautious, plus he’s getting too heavy to be balancing on my back. The little one will do just about anything.

Q: Your Instagram photos are awe inspiring, but have you had any epic yoga fails?
A: Oh yeah—I’ve had so many yoga fails, I can’t even count them anymore. I post some on Instagram. There is usually a lot of falling and laughing involved.

Q: Do your sons have a favourite pose?
A: Downward-facing dog and tree pose are always popular with them. My older one usually likes to be behind the camera taking the pictures. If he is in the picture, he wants to approve it before I post. My little one still loves being in the pictures; he is such a ham in front of the camera.

Q: Did getting your kids involved benefit your own yoga practice?
A: I have learned to become way more patient and not to take my practice too seriously. It’s all about having fun, trying new things.

Q: How would you describe your family in five words?
A: Quirky, funny, loving, supportive, energetic.


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